What our overseas students and their parents say about British Guardianship?
British Guardianship is particularly attentive to each single parent and student’s well-being and satisfaction. Our positive feedback is the reward of our efforts and keep us continually driven to maintain this level of excellence. All overseas parent and student testimonials are highly valued and can help others to make their decision. Thank you for your trust. We look forward to providing you with the best possible service into the future. We hope to be able to provide guidance and support of the highest standards in line with their profiles, goals and requirements.
You will find below a few comments from previous students who have benefited from British Guardianship's services.

British Guardianship Testimonials
Best regards,
Nazir Miranda Zaire
Due to their personal approach to each child, their highest competence and experience, my son who was first very reserved and worried about being away from his family has not only adapted to life in UK, but has also won the best students’ awards prize in his boarding school. He feels so close to his guardian thanks to his guardian’s nonstop care and love. The host family they have chosen is also excellent in which my son can learn and expertise the life in very home environment where he feels himself comfortably.
Wish to all British Guardianship team good health, welfare and happiness.
The focal points appointed for the child has always been very understanding. They seem to be in the job because they understand the needs of children and care about the children's welfare. We never got an impression that it was all about the money.
Lastly the services excelled in identifying suitable host family within the vicinity of the school.
Unable to stay beside him during term time I esteem very much support and attention rendered by the British Guardian’s staff to my child, their true care and consideration. Invaluable are our regular communication and constant contact maintained via e-mail and telephone so the distance between my son and me has long become unobtrusive. With deep feeling of gratitude, Tatiana Yukhno, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Keeping that in mind we endeavored rather careful and meticulous search of our prospective guardian so that to make it certain that our boy feels comfortable and secure in a new country. Eventually we contracted the agreement with British Guardianship.
Actually we saw that this company differs itself by professionalism, experience in the subject of guardianship and we appreciate their giving priority to the safety, health and welfare of the child. With time passing we find that our initial impression has proved to be correct. His guardian is always in touch with our son, we are forwarded by her regular and thorough reports covering literally everything concerning our child, his studies and everyday life at school. For us there is nothing to worry about and such a confidence is inspired by one sure thing that child is looked after in the UK and this work is done in a best possible way. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
The British Guardianship representative visits schools and meets with students and staff and on results of those meetings they issue reports which are passed to the families. I also appreciate the necessary clarifications regarding the British education system and differences between standards, grades, mark, etc. which is not always easy to explain to parents without the qualified support.
Placing our students in host families British Guardianship takes into consideration parents' wishes, our recommendations, and questions of health. Our clients marked that their children were happy at the HFs provided by British Guardianship.
Having worked in international education and having dealt with placing students at schools and HFs for nearly 20 years I can compare quality of services, speed in answering and flexibility in approaches what is extremely important for success in cooperation. Working with British Guardianship I am pleased to mention that we are fully satisfied with their services and careful attitude. I believe that safety, welfare and successful adaptation of international students in the British environment is the priority for British Guardianship.
We wish our partner further successes and new achievements!
Artyom Dvorski, Director, Harmony International Education Center, Moscow.